editor's blog

Leap Day: Workers take a Flying Leap on February 29

It comes but once every 4 years… and workplaces everywhere are in a tizzy putting the finishing touches on their long awaited Leap Day plans. And if you’re one of the estimated 4 million leap day babies running around this planet of ours, you’ll actually get to have your cake and eat it too.

For all those working or blowing out their candles on Feb 29, we present our favorite trivia on Leap Days and Leap Years.... feel free to take the leap - but please, no jumping, skipping or hopping.

Leap Days At the Workplace…
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Be Kind Rewind Causes Sweding Frenzy

In a week filled with Blue-ray and HD DVD talk, VHS has sneaked into the news reels through the back door with the release of Be Kind Rewind – a film that honors the memory of our beloved VHS cassette tapes and good ol’ fashion creativity. 

While VHS may receive the honour, YouTube’s reaping all the greenback glory. Be Kind Rewind’s YouTube mini-site has already become the 36th all time most subscribed sponsor channel. Why is that a big deal? Be Kind Rewind just debuted today.

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Anybody Missing a Foot?

Last Friday a severed foot washed ashore on Valdes Island on the coast of British Colombia. The foot’s unlucky owner tied his shoes tightly that morning, it seems, as his black Reebok runner was still firmly attached to said foot. This is the third foot to wash up on dry land in the past six months, say authorities, with the first two “stepping” ashore on nearby islands just miles away.

Size Matters?
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Fab Foot Facts and Statistics

Known as sweaty, smelly and perhaps linty, feet are often under appreciated. The unsung heroes of the human body, your feet deserve to be worshiped and revered for the hard work they do. From smell, to size, to toe-tasks, to shoe choice, find out enough foot facts to fill a Size 100 shoe.

Rad Foot Records

Matthew McGrory holds the record for biggest feet, wearing US size 28½ shoes. Cost/pair? $22,745
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Magnet Sandwich not as Tasty as it Sounds

This week California resident Braden Eberle found out what happens when magnets serve as snacks. Four year old Eberle consumed two bite-sized magnets from his toys, and suffered the magnetically malicious consequences. While poppin’ a magnet wouldn’t normally cause ill effects, this electro-eatin’ kid decided to take a double dosage – a day apart.
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What % of Your Life is Spent Kissing?

Pucker up for these statistics about kissing
Kiss Statistics

If a good ol' fashion handshake is boring you at work, why not try kissing your corporate contacts instead? From lip facts, to saliva secrets, to kissing benefits, to frenching frequency - we're sure these statistical smooch facts will help you learn more about kissing that you ever thought possible. Pucker up!

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Sexy Work Stats... Who's Doin' it at YOUR Office?

While office romance may be present in your workplace, do you really know the extent of the funny business that happens after hours? Or in your colleague's e-mail account? Read below for the scandalously statistical possibilities of finding your mate at work, being naughty on the job and being caught doin' it at the office. Entry-level employees: shield your eyes.

19% of people have done it on the job

17% of employees confess to being caught doing it on the job

Which means...If you do it on the job, you have a 90% chance of getting caught!
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Valentine's Day and Work Romance

Cupid's making a special trip to the office this year, with this selection of alternative Valentine's Day Cards, Loveable Fun Facts, Top 10 Love Lists and Romantic Workplace News. Created especially for lovable and huggable workin' types, feel free to share 'em with your coworkers, boss, or employees to spread labor love this Valentine's Day.

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Top 10 Management Strategies to Discourage Office Romance

Romantic relationships with coworkers might seem like a good idea, but managers know that inter-cubicle love can lead to conflicts of interest and hanky panky at the office. Nip office dating in the bud by trying some of these office romance policies in your workplace!

10. Illuminate dimly lit areas of office with sports stadium spotlights

9. New company policy: Punish sexy e-mail content with boss-administered paper cut

8. Spike water cooler with anaphrodisiacs to destroy company libido
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Top 10 Signs you have a Crush on your Co-worker

With Valentines day quickly approaching, it's time to admit that you have an itsy bitsy crush on a coworker. Not sure if you do? See if any of these super obvious signs of labor love apply to you.

10. You refuse to buy a 3-hole punch so you can ask to borrow theirs every 20 minutes

9. You have a meeting with the IT department after they found the phrase “on the bosses desk” in one of your company e-mails

8. Dry mouth and the sweats cause you to visit the water cooler, coincidently stationed next to your coworker’s desk, 27 times/day
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