Worker Survives 47-Storey Fall from Grace

37 year old window cleaner Alcides Moreno survived a 47-storey fall  last month, but has little to recall about the fall. Mr. Moreno met the ground after traveling 500 feet (150 meters) through the New York City skyline, and suffered painful major injuries to his spine, brain, legs, arm and hips. The event has been described as miraculous, as the death rate from even a three-story fall is about 50 percent. Mr. Moreno's free falling misfortune allowed him to fall an extra forty-four stories.


While this Ecuadorian immigrant descended to great lengths in his unintended attempt to beat the world record,  another even more unlucky worker is on top of the free fall hall of fame. Former flight attendant Vesna Vulovic holds the Guinness World Record for surviving the highest free fall with no cushioning. While flying over modern-day Czechoslovakia, her terrorist-bomb flavoured airplane exploded, sending this model worker to the ground. Mrs. Vulovic was the only passenger to survive, breaking both legs and fracturing her skull and several vertebrae in the process. All told, Mrs. Vulovic fell over 33,000 feet (10,000 meters), or 2.5 times the typical skydive – and of course, skydivers generally pack parachutes as standard equipment.
Taking the Fall at Work
Although workplace tumbles are common, a less miraculous managerial move involves “falling on the sword”. This nodd to the Samurais refers to a resignation, or in extreme cases, sword-assisted suicide, in a gentlemanly attempt to save face after a fall from occupational grace. If you're a working stiff, may we suggest switching jobs before disemboweling yourself?

Falls are not just the stuff of slapstick routines involving bananas, but unfortunately have a less comedic side as well - they're among the leading causes of accidental death. Around 12 000 Americans die each year as a result of falls. The US National Safety Council provides us with even more downright dismal stats on your likeliness of taking a lethal spill. During your lifetime, there’s a 1 in 200 shot that you’ll die from a fall. Maybe it'd be a good idea to tie ourselves to our desk chairs and roll around the office from now on. But take heart - for the actuarial types out there, the International Space Station has the same chance of colliding with space debris. Now doesn't that make you feel safer? 


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