editor's blog

Elevator gets revenge on retired elevator repairman

We all have days when it seems like your work is out to get you. For German Karlheinz Schmidt it happened literally. The 68-year old retired elevator technician survived 80 hours stuck in a broken elevator, thanks to a bag of cookies he’d had on him.
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Warning: Working causes Cancer

It’s finally time for business cards to include the same messages as cigarette packs. A study published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health found 10% of men and 2% of women in Australia will get cancer this year because of carcinogens at their workplaces. Workers most at risk are in the forestry and logging, furniture manufacturing, mining, petroleum and construction industries.
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Leaping naked from filing cabinets

Yes, this is true… civil servants in Newcastle, England were caught on closed circuit television leaping naked from filing cabinets, taking drugs while on the job, having sex in office bathrooms, running break-dancing competitions, fighting, and vomiting into cups & leaving them for others to find as practical jokes.

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Half-baked parenting: the reefer reward

We’ve all heard of the infamous response to catching your child smoking - lock them in the closet with a pack of smokes and don’t let ‘em out till they’ve literally turned green with envy of becoming a lifelong non-smoker. A couple in Arizona came up with a whole different approach… rewarding their pre-teens’ good behavior by smoking a joint with them.
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Free condoms an employment ‘perk’

If you’ve ever considered moving to Canada and/or joining the military, here’s one more reason: free condoms. That’s right, if you’re a solider, sailor, airman or airwoman, you’ll be supplied with all the equipment you might need for action… both for you and for Captain Winky.
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Who's happier - old fogies or young whippersnappers?

Think life’s better when you’re young? Think again. Apparently people of all ages believe that we’re happiest than we’re young. Chalk it up to youthful ignorance or the gradually receding memories of the old - believe it or not, it’s not true. In fact, research has shown that people are happiest when they’re older... and are reasonably happy when they’re young.

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Wedgies at Work… when bullies grow up

Ever wondered what happened to those kids who threw sticks and shouted taunts on the schoolyard? Well, they grew up, got jobs… and, unfortunately for the rest of us, became our coworkers and bosses. A newly released report from Quebec, the first province in Canada to make workplace bullying illegal in 2004, found that half of workplace bullying complaints were justified - that is, 50% of the complaints were more than sour grapes from employees.
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Skipping Work is The Goooaaaaalll!

From across the pond… after only 2 days of the World Cup, work absentee rates in Britain had already increased by 19%.

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Smile… Your Raise Depends On it

A recent study of IT professionals in Italy revealed that optimistic workers scored better on their performance reviews than pessimistic personnel. So, being a happy worker isn’t just fun and good for your health, it’s good for your pocketbook too!

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Sickly Geeks

According to a recent Canadian article, techy types are prone to a number of maladies, including "insomnia and altered sleep patterns, headaches, back pain, and poor attention span".

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